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Various Dynamics That Would Define the Best Network Marketing Company

Network marketing can be one of the best ways to create a passive or continuous income. With diligence and the right company on your side, it's not impossible to reach six figure earnings. But as enticing as this may sound, you might also probably know that there are certain risks attached to this business as well
Truth be told, many individuals have tried and failed when it comes to network marketing. This can be the result of various reasons, which can include lack of any real interest, lack of support from the company, mismanagement, or using the wrong strategy. While there really nothing more you can do about the first reason that was given, there are some guidelines you can rely on when it comes to looking for the best network marketing company.
So what should you be looking when searching for the best network marketing company? Here are some of the characteristics that the best companies share:
The best companies are honest: Great companies are clear and upfront about their goals. This means that no matter what the situation, these companies will share whatever information they have to their clients and will stick to their policies and guarantees.
The best companies always give full disclosure to their clients. Information such as company ownership, status, financial strength and product developments will always be updated and sent to every member whether they're old or new members.
Most great companies still carry with them their mission statements as well as ethical standards, and make sure that every member takes note of it to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts. They're also not afraid to clearly state what they stand for.
The best companies have great products: What separates the best network marketing company today from the others are the products/services and support that are provided to the clients. Some of the most successful companies have taken the time, money, and effort to develop quality products and services to help their members make selling easier.
The best companies have great payouts: Having a fair compensation plan in place for both full and part time distributors are what separates great companies from the rest of the pack. In addition, various rewards systems are also created in order to insure that every client will be able to reach their maximum marketing and earning potential.
Last but not least, the best network marketing companies always provides their clients with great marketing materials and systems that make it easier for them to recruit, train as well as sell products or services to other individuals.
Remember that while all of the companies you might come across may promise these things in one way or the other, only a few will really be able to measure up. Only research, testimonials, and time spent with the company will determine whether what you're looking at is really one of the best companies to work with.

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3 Disgusting Truths Hidden Behind Every Network Marketing Company Today

Are you one of the millions of people who have been burned from network marketing and MLM? If so, then this article could possibly help to clarify why things did not quite work out as you had hoped or expected. You might even be pleasantly surprised when you realize that it wasn't your fault or lack of experience with marketing and networking. This article will also reveal the nasty, undeniable truths behind every network marketing company, and their sneaky plot to create an environment where their monthly paycheck is supported by unsuspecting people who are blindly guided by their big dreams and hopes of financial freedom.
Disgusting Truth One: Multilevel marketing companies are designed to fail from the very beginning! That's right, anyone who is experienced in network marketing will tell you that most of these companies have between a three and five year shelf life... that's if they are lucky enough to survive the first six months. Think about it, every single day on the Internet there is another company touting another monumental prelaunch... some latest and greatest invention that's going to change the world so that we can all be financially free.
Only a very small handful of people who get in at the very top will make more than they spend. It doesn't matter if it's a forced matrix, binary or any other comp plan. The people at the top who can see the entire downline structure, and who have the ability to strategically move people and groups of people where they need them are the people making all the money. Do you have the capabilities to see the full picture of the entire company's downline? If so, do you have the ability to move people where you would like to move them? Can you strategically fill in all the gaps in your downline pyramid and replace the people who stop their auto ship? If not, then failure is just a matter of time for you at this point.
Your "upline" can be compared to your credit score... you know you have one, but you have no idea what it looks like or how it was determined. Why is it such a big secret? Hmmmm?
When was the last time you met someone who is TRULY successful in MLM over the long term? For most people the answer is never. Of course you see all of the hype on the Internet and spreading like the plague through every form of spam known to man, but if you've ever tried to contact those people who are running those ads and ask to see a real copy of their last paycheck, you will find most people will not call you back because they simply don't have anything that proves they are making any sort of significant income. They are lying to you. And one last thought... if you do not believe in this "shelf-life" theory, simply ask yourself why most top MLM earners have been with at least five companies or more over the past five or six years.
Disgusting Truth Two: The products are usually consumable, low to average quality, horribly packaged and are not necessary for everyday living! It's hard to tell what goes through the mind of a CEO, other than big dollars in their pockets, when deciding what type of product to create and at what price point. With the economy in the worst shape it's been since the Great Depression, it's simply baffling how many network marketing programs are hitting the scene with vacation programs, designer beverages and health supplements. In a bad economy, these are the very same things people sacrifice so they can continue to pay their bills and keep food on the table. These seemingly brain-dead CEOs should have probably taken a course or two on "market timing."
Disgusting Truth Three: The average "auto ship" only lasts three months. A recent industry snapshot shows that the average person who gets on auto ship for a product or a service in the MLM industry lasts an average of only three months. Do you really want to continue replacing people you bring on board? Auto ship and auto billing is the key to multilevel marketing, but people today are getting wise to the fact that they have enough recurring payments to make each month. A constant monthly auto ship payment can be a real budget breaker for most people in today's economy, but the real pain in the back is when a company keeps shipping products to your house that you really don't have a need for. Can you relate? Perhaps you have water filters, health supplements and energy drinks stacked in your garage right now collecting dust. Join the crowd.
To summarize, most people who get involved with MLM or network marketing, or any other type of home-based business opportunity will end up losing money in the end. It's already a well known fact that approximately 97% of all home based business owners fail within the first 12 months. The other 3% are mostly hidden amongst the people "in control" that were mentioned in "Disgusting Truth One" above.
The sad part of this entire scenario is that it's not hard to create a business model where people can truly find success. It's true that the secret to building long-term wealth is by recruiting or hiring other people and showing them how to work the business, or one specific part of your business, and then earning a small percentage of their efforts. But recruiting should not be the main focus of any business as it clearly is in the network marketing industry.

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Is It Worth Joining A Network Marketing Company?

With the economy spiraling downwards, more and more people are looking for alternative ways to generate income. Most are looking for financial relief, while some are looking for a vehicle to create total financial freedom. Coupled with that fact that more and more people, from Warren Buffet to Richard Branson, are endorsing network marketing, it's not too hard to see why over 175,000 people a single week are getting involved with network marketing.
If you're looking into the industry, or researching a company, you're probably wondering if it's even worth it to get started. In this short article, I will give you the good and bad of joining a network marketing company.
Network marketing can be a very fun and lucrative profession, but it can also be extremely frustrating. The network marketing industry, over the last 50 years, has created more millionaires than any other industry, but there is a staggering 97% failure rate in the industry. If you're thinking about joining a company, it's important to know what you're getting into before you get started.
First, let me tell you that I first got involved in network marketing in 1998. At the time, I was going to college full-time and working at a hospital. As excited as I was, that first year was brutal as I managed to make almost $3,000 (for the whole year!). And because I was spending money for events, tools and brochures, I actually spent more than I made. And if that wasn't bad enough, all my friends and family started avoiding me like the plague because the word got out that I was in a "recruiting thing" and I wanted to get them in the "recruiting thing" too.
During this time, the friends that I did get a hold of, were all telling me to quit and that it would never work. With that said, looking back at what occurred a few short years later, I'm glad I didn't take their advice.
Now, let's look at a simple comparison of what could have occurred and what has occurred. In 1998, a few months into building my business, I decided to take some time off from college to put more time into building my business. Long story short, I never went back.
After looking at some statistics, the average income in the US for someone who graduated high school but doesn't have a college degree is less than $26,000 a year. While I obviously can't make any income claims or guarantees, after taking some time to learn how to actually build a business, what could have been my annual income turned into my monthly income. More important than the money, is the time I have with my family and the cool places we get to travel to.
So does that automatically mean you should join a company? The truth is you should join a company if you plan on getting trained properly and treating your business like you spent millions for it. Now, I'm not talking about joining for the sake of getting a discount on the product or to get on a company's autoship because you're a consumer. That's all fine and good, but I'm talking about if you want to build a business that will give you financial freedom. And, yes, there may be a period where you are learning and not making as much as you would like. Just understand that statistics show that for anyone who is proactively building their network marketing business, and sticks with one company for at least ten years, the chances of earning an annual income of six-figures are significantly higher than any other profession in the country.
So the question you need to ask yourself is, are you looking to make a quick buck or are you serious about your long-term success? If you're serious and you're ready to build a professional business, then get going and don't look back.

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The Best Network Marketing Company? What You MUST Know Before Making Any Decisions

In this short BUT powerful article, I am going help you understand what criteria you want to look for, how to distinguish the hype from real factual data, etc.
And to help you further understand all this, I have a very informative presentation waiting for you at the end of this article in the resource box below. This FREE presentation is going to save you loads of time and money, so be sure to get it while it is still available.
Now, have you been looking for the Best Network Marketing business for you recently?
Well, let me dispel a myth for you right up front. There is no such thing as the 'Best Network Marketing Company'. However, there is a best one for you out there, so let us figure out how to find it for you as quickly as possible.
It is important for me to get across to you that I was in your same position a while ago, and so I want to save you the frustration you may be experiencing right now.
Now, in my professional opinion, I feel as though Network Marketing is the greatest industry on earth for a lot of reasons that we will not go into in this article. Finding the best one for you is where the tough part lies.
Here is the GOOD news though: When you know how to find the Best Network Marketing company for you, building a successful team will be one of the easiest things that you'll ever do.
So what do you need to look for to find the best company for you?
First, you have to truly know what you want and where you want to go. What type of company excites you, motivates you, is aligned with your values, etc.? There are an endless amount of different pay plans, products, leaders, etc out there. Which ones resonate with you?
Secondly, what is the company's track record? Are they profitable? How long have they been in business? Can you see their financial's? Are they retail driven and not just all about recruiting? How is their training system?
I always advise my students to make sure the company has the big 3:
1. Longevity
2. Stability
3. Profitability
The final thing you should be aware of is that all company's live and die by their products and services. If you are going to be successful - LONG TERM - You need to be sure the products are of value and that you would buy them at the price the company sells them for even of you were not an independent business owner for that particular company. If you answered no to any of these, then you may have a problem.
Notice how I NEVER put a lot of emphasis on the company's pay plan? This is because the bottom line is that if you find a product you love, with a great team and training system in place to support you, with a vision that is larger than life, you have a recipe for success.
This is what can lead to the Best Network Marketing business for you.
ALTHOUGH, without this most important ingredient to your success, you are still going to struggle like 97% of the network marketing industry. This ingredient is cutting edge marketing and training that is working TODAY!

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How to Check Out and Get the Best Network Marketing Company

Over the years we have heard of network marketing scams and failures. Some multilevel marketing companies are well-intentioned but have a poor track record while others may just be plainly failures that stems from operational failures. How do you find one that you can count on? These are ten tips that will help you find the network marketing opportunity that will bring in the money.

Find out how long the company has been in existence. For all the efforts that you put in setting up your business and training yourself to sell the products or services, you must look for a network marketing company that will be around for quite awhile and not one who may not be in existence the following month. You need to look for one that has been around for 5 years or more.

Check out the capitalization of the network marketing company. Publicly traded companies are preferable as they are required to the SEC and other agencies every quarter. Private companies are not required to do this so there is a higher risk that their finances may not be that secure to sustain their growth, update their technology, get professional efficient managers or maintain stable operations.

Determine if the products and services are unique or if they are available from too many competing companies. They must be able to fulfill a real need of customers at a reasonable price. In short, you should be able to offer something of value to your market. Successful multilevel marketing companies continuously come out with new products or services that serve the ever-changing needs of consumers. The company should have signature products or services that the market will continue to use for a longer period of time and not just be a trend or a fad that will fizzle out after some time. There should always be a market big enough to sustain the marketers selling efforts on a long term basis.

Study if the network marketing company is taking advantage of technology for marketing. Some marketers are not much into personal sales but have mastered the use of the internet as a selling tool.

Find out if the person who is sponsoring you in joining the network marketing company is generous enough to coach, train and motivate you and not just recruit and sign you up. He should likewise be as committed as you are to achieving success.

What is important also is that you must enjoy what you are doing while you build up your business with the company and its people as your partners.

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The 5 Most Popular Network Marketing Companies - Network Marketing's Industry Leaders

In this article we take a quick look at the network marketing industry heavyweight contenders. You should know the features, advantages, and disadvantages of the most popular network marketing companies. The most popular companies are determined merely by number of Internet searches.Popularity of Internet searches certainly isn't a reason to join a company, although we do believe it is wise to understand the strengths and limitations of the most popular companies in the network marketing industry.
The actual popularity of various network marketing companies is calculated by Mark D Worthan's which uses Google search volume. His analysis is based on Google Trends, a service of Google Labs comparing assorted keyword searches across time. The service can be used to determine the relative number of searches for various MLM companies. Here are the results from current data, along with a short overview of each company:
1. Amway - Amway began in 1959 when its founders signed up to become distributors of Nutrilite vitamins. Amway is the largest network marketing company and is well-known for "legitimizing" the MLM industry in 1979, based on FTC's ruling that the company did not qualify as a pyramid scheme. The FTC ruling was due to the fact that its compensation system is based on retail sales vs. payments for recruiting. The company's sales were $8.4 billion in 2009. Amway North America was closed in the early 2000's and most North American distributors joined sister company Quixtar, but still order products from Amway Global. At that time, the average monthly earnings for "active" Independent Business Owners was disclosed to be $115. Advantages of Amway/Quixtar are its widespread name recognition. The main disadvantage reported by many is its older style compensation plan which makes achievement of full-time income problematic.
2. Herbalife - Herbalife started up in 1980 and reported net sales if $2.3 billion in 2009. Over the years Herbalife has been in the news because of legal challenges over the safety of its products, although none has yet been upheld. The company reached settlement with the California Attorney General in 1985 for $850 million over making inflated product claims. The company's product formulations were modified to eliminate Ma Huang in 2002 when several US states banned the use of ephedrine alkaloids. In 2007 a scientific study at the University Hospital of Bern Switzerland and Israeli hospitals found an association between consumption of Herbalife products and hepatitis. These items and other media and legal settlements seem to be the company's main disadvantages.
3. Mary Kay - Mary Kay started in 1963 as a skin care and cosmetics products company, based initially on a recipe from a tanner. Worldwide revenues were $2.5 billion in 2009. Representing a well known brand is Mary Kay's main advantage, although the company is mostly limited to women. A high per annum turnover figure has been calculated for both US (68.6%) and Canadian (85%) consultants. Earnings statistics reported for Canada were that of 29,675 consultants, only 1878 grossed more than $100, 276 of the 553 Sales Directors received more than $17,471 and 15 of the 23 National Directors earned more than $100K, indicating a steep climb to significant earnings potential.
4. Pampered Chef - Pampered Chef was founded in 1980, using in-home demonstrations to market cookwares via the party plan business model. The company was acquired in 2002 by Berkshire Hathaway Corporation. Annual sales figures are unavailable.
5. Monavie - Monavie distributes a juice product made from blended fruit juice including freeze-dried acai powder and puree. The company was founded in 2005 and recently was eighteenth on Inc. Magazine's 500/5000 ranking of the fastest growing private companies in the US. The effectiveness claims of the product's key polyphenol antioxidants have been refuted by the FDA, Linus Pauling Institute, and European Food Safety Authority who all claim that these compounds once digested have little or no health value. A Newsweek article reported only 10% of distributors made more than $100 per week and the 2008 rentention rate for new recruits was only 30%. Monavie reamains a very viable opportunity for signifant earnings despite these issues and highly popular #9 ranked on's annual report. This is possibly attributable to the company's excellent management team and lucrative compensation plan, although a recent video reports a significantloss of interest due to compensation plan changes in the last year.
We don't necessarily recommend or advise against joining any of these top 5 companies, but merely wanted to look at a few facts about them. We find that few people take the time to look at what companies are available in the home based business realm. If evaluating home business opportunities, it is advisable to get familiar with the industry, establish some selection criteria and make an informed, unemotional choice. One thing to note is that strong emotions often come into play in the "buying" process of selecting a home business opportunity and after the fact justification of decisions made emotionally is very common.

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Social network marketing strategy

Compare Top Network Marketing Companies easily with this straight forward guide.
You understand the only way the average person can achieve true wealth is with a network marketing company. But how do you chose the best one for you? These 10 tips will safely guide new network marketers on their way to financial freedom.
1. How long has the company been in business?
Most top network marketing companies have been in business at least 5 years. Most mlm companies fail in their first 2 years. Therefore, if a company's been in business at least 5 years you can be relatively sure they are doing something right.
2. The company is in a growth industry.
Top network marketing companies are all in growth industries. Be sure the market is expanding for the products your company offers. Stagnant or declining sales are the kiss of death to any company or traditional one for that matter.
3. Do they have high demand, top quality products?
Products are all important to top network marketing companies. The very best of them have high demand consumable products. These can be sold over and over again to loyal customers. Repeat business sure beats having to drum up new customers for every sale.
4. Do they put money in your pocket right away?.
Top network marketing companies know they must put cash into the pocket of their distributors right away or they'll lose them. Stay away from any company that forces you to "sponsor" to make money. If you can't make substantial money simply from product sales, don't waste your time.
5. Entrepreneurs can earn BIG money with Multiple Income Streams?
Leveraging the work or many into success for all is the whole point of network marketing. Be sure the compensation plan is simple, easy to understand and fair. Keep this in mind... If you can't understand the compensation plan, you won't be able to sell it. And for BIG money folks need to buy into not only the products but the plan!
6. Management must be committed to YOUR success.
From the company president down to your direct sponsor, everyone should be committed to helping you set and reach your goals. Top network marketing companies have a culture of supporting their front line distributors. Everyone will be helping you to succeed. WARNING... This DOES NOT mean they will do it for you! No one can or should build your business for you. They will be there for you with the tools and support you need to succeed but YOU have to DO IT.
7. Recession Proof.
The best mlm network marketing companies will have products people want and buy no matter what the state of the economy. Products that make them feel good about themselves, that produce an emotional response. Look for products like this to build a recession proof business.
8. Can it be run successfully from home?
Let's face it, most people interested in network marketing are looking for a home based business. A good network marketing strategy allows for your business to be run from home and either online, off line or both.
9. The company must take full advantage of today's technology?
Can you order online or do you have to call in everything? What type of training is there? The top network marketing companies will have training online, live on the phone, taped calls you can call to hear as well as available online, meetings and conventions for personal training and where you can meet with Corporate Officers.
10. Will you enjoy it?
This may sound frivolous but I assure you it's not. You MUST enjoy what your doing, especially if you're a new network marketer [] or you won't succeed in home business network marketing or any home business for that matter. You should have fun working with your sponsor and other business partners as you steadily build your business.
Well, there you have it... 10 ways for you to find the best mlm network marketing opportunity.
Shelly Begarowicz helps network marketers and small business owners to use "Social Web 2.0 Marketing" techniques and strategies to build their businesses on a shoe string budget.
Building on the teachings found in The Renegade, Magnetic Sponsoring or Building on a Budget, she teaches attraction marketing lead generation. Leveraging the power of the internet to build your online business in the most effective way possible.

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