
Top Network Marketing Companies - 10 Ways to Find Them

Compare Top Network Marketing Companies easily with this straight forward guide.
You understand the only way the average person can achieve true wealth is with a network marketing company. But how do you chose the best one for you? These 10 tips will safely guide new network marketers on their way to financial freedom.
1. How long has the company been in business?
Most top network marketing companies have been in business at least 5 years. Most mlm companies fail in their first 2 years. Therefore, if a company's been in business at least 5 years you can be relatively sure they are doing something right.
2. The company is in a growth industry.
Top network marketing companies are all in growth industries. Be sure the market is expanding for the products your company offers. Stagnant or declining sales are the kiss of death to any company or traditional one for that matter.
3. Do they have high demand, top quality products?
Products are all important to top network marketing companies. The very best of them have high demand consumable products. These can be sold over and over again to loyal customers. Repeat business sure beats having to drum up new customers for every sale.
4. Do they put money in your pocket right away?.
Top network marketing companies know they must put cash into the pocket of their distributors right away or they'll lose them. Stay away from any company that forces you to "sponsor" to make money. If you can't make substantial money simply from product sales, don't waste your time.
5. Entrepreneurs can earn BIG money with Multiple Income Streams?
Leveraging the work or many into success for all is the whole point of network marketing. Be sure the compensation plan is simple, easy to understand and fair. Keep this in mind... If you can't understand the compensation plan, you won't be able to sell it. And for BIG money folks need to buy into not only the products but the plan!
6. Management must be committed to YOUR success.
From the company president down to your direct sponsor, everyone should be committed to helping you set and reach your goals. Top network marketing companies have a culture of supporting their front line distributors. Everyone will be helping you to succeed. WARNING... This DOES NOT mean they will do it for you! No one can or should build your business for you. They will be there for you with the tools and support you need to succeed but YOU have to DO IT.
7. Recession Proof.
The best mlm network marketing companies will have products people want and buy no matter what the state of the economy. Products that make them feel good about themselves, that produce an emotional response. Look for products like this to build a recession proof business.
8. Can it be run successfully from home?
Let's face it, most people interested in network marketing are looking for a home based business. A good network marketing strategy allows for your business to be run from home and either online, off line or both.
9. The company must take full advantage of today's technology?
Can you order online or do you have to call in everything? What type of training is there? The top network marketing companies will have training online, live on the phone, taped calls you can call to hear as well as available online, meetings and conventions for personal training and where you can meet with Corporate Officers.
10. Will you enjoy it?
This may sound frivolous but I assure you it's not. You MUST enjoy what your doing, especially if you're a new network marketer [] or you won't succeed in home business network marketing or any home business for that matter. You should have fun working with your sponsor and other business partners as you steadily build your business.
Well, there you have it... 10 ways for you to find the best mlm network marketing opportunity.
Shelly Begarowicz helps network marketers and small business owners to use "Social Web 2.0 Marketing" techniques and strategies to build their businesses on a shoe string budget.
Building on the teachings found in The Renegade, Magnetic Sponsoring or Building on a Budget, she teaches attraction marketing lead generation. Leveraging the power of the internet to build your online business in the most effective way possible.


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